August 29th, 2024 By: Megan McDonough
This Week in Interventions:
This week in interventions was far from easy. We submitted our final drafts for our Capstone proposals!! Which was incredibly nerve-wracking. We also had a discussion post on the difference between Scholarly Writing and other forms of writing. One of my favorite things I did this week was my surgical scrub video. This video was step-by-step instructions on how to surgically scrub into a surgery. After learning about the extensive reach of germs, it was incredibly interesting to see how much effort it takes to fully remove them.
The Lab...
During this week of BioMed, we were required to participate in the Apple Lab for Anatomical Directions and Body Planes. For this lab, we were given verbal instructions, on the same level as a P.A. school test, and attempted to create the correct final product for our apple. There was laughter, tears, and utter confusion during this lab when we read instructions with advanced medical terminology. Most of which I have never heard of before. I used context clues and relied heavily on my gut when attempting to carry out the instructions. Nearing the end, I concluded that I was completely incorrect when I took a peek at my neighbor's apple, which had a face on it. The Lab instructions we were given are as follows:
Apple Lab for Anatomical Directions and Body Planes
OBJECTIVE: Use proper anatomical terminology to determine body directions, surfaces, and body planes.
MATERIALS: apple, marker, knife, toothpicks/skewers/straws
First, we were asked to stand our apple on the table with the stem up, considering the stem the superior end of the apple. Then, with our markers, we drew a line to indicate the frontal plane of the apple and labeled the line with an “F” near the stem.
Then, we were then instructed to draw a dot about the size of a pencil eraser to the left of the midsagittal line, on the anterior surface of the apple which is approximately 3 cm inferior to the stem. That dot should have been superior and medial to the left anterior surface of the apple. Then we were told to draw a small letter “c” opened to the anterior side. Then, contralateral to that “c”, along the right anterior surface, we were instructed to draw another “c” equidistant from the midsagittal plane and along the same transverse plane as the first “c”. Next, approximately 1 cm inferior to the dot on the anterior surface of the apple, we should have drawn a small “o” about twice as large as the dot along the midsagittal plane.
Next, slightly lateral and superior to the “o” we were told to draw two upside-down small question marks (without the dot underneath), each of which should be equidistant from and on opposite sides of the midsagittal plane. The question marks should've been open toward the midsagittal plane. Then, on the posterior side of the apple and superior to the transverse plane, we drew a series of vertical lines about ½” in length
Then, we were instructed to place two toothpicks along the frontal plane slightly inferior to the “o”. The insertion points of the two toothpicks should've been along the same transverse plane, and on opposite sides of the midsagittal plane Then, we placed another toothpick slightly anterior to the coronal plane on the left side and another toothpick slightly anterior to the coronal plane on the right side. Next, we added another small dot about the size of a pencil eraser to the right of the midsagittal plane superior to the question mark on the right side and equidistant as the other dot. Then we drew a transverse line under the question marks and above the “o.” and labeled it with a “T”.
Our last few steps included drawing another line midsagittal from the stem to the plantar portion of the apple and labeling it "M". Then we took pictures of each side of our apple. Finally, ending by cutting our apples along the transverse plane, midsagittal plane, and frontal plane.
After completing this Lab, I realized that I did it completely incorrectly. I have a very small grasp of the correct terminology for anatomical directions and I was in a state of complete sadness and disappointment.