- With Marley, Elise, Ryann, and Kylie
-Physical activity is used to prevent accessive body weight.
Physical and Mental Benefits of Physical Activity
Children and adolescents (5-18 years) should
have at least 60 minutes of activity per day.
You should incorporate an activity that
involves musculoskeletal and cardiovascular
health at least 3 times per week.
EX: running, swimming, jumping, & throwing
Participate in organized sports to learn a
a broad spectrum of activities with a focus on
social interaction
EX: basketball provides insights into tactics and rules
Participate in supervised weight training to
become aware of appropriate techniques and
loading skills.
Consequences of Physical Inactivity
- energy imbalances
- increased risk of becoming overweight or obese
- increased risk factors for cardiovascular disease
- high cholesterol and high blood pressure
- increased risk for developing lung, breast,
colon, and endometrial cancers
- increased risk for low bone density which can
lead to osteoporosis
Social Media
- lower odds of activity
Screen Time
- recommended 2 hrs per day for teenagers
- put devices away 30-1hr before bed
- children are distracted and obsessed with
tablets because of parents
-which causes behavioral issues
-too much screen time can cause childhood
-causes a shift in a child's lifestyle from an
active to a sedentary one, which is the
the main cause of obesity
-Physical Inactivity
-Increased incidences of snacking
-More exposure to food advertisements
-Getting less sleep
State/Local Programs
Alabama State Programs
-Action for Healthy Kids
- Helps kids thrice by bringing families and school tighter to ensure that
students have access to safe places to be active and play, nutritious foods, and
healthy experiences.
-Alliance for a Healthier Generation
- Ensures that all children have the same opportunities for a healthier future
Southwest Alabama Programs
-Community Foundation of South Alabama
- a non-profit organization committed to making southwest Alabama a more
prosperous community where its citizens can thrive.
-Good Sports Grant
-brand new sporting equipment for any childern/communities in
-Project Play
-movement to reimagine youth sports in local communities with
health and inclusions core values
Availability of Safe Places to Play/Exercise
football camps and sport camps
21 state parks in Alabama
Inclusive accessible parks
sensory stations
Auburn, South, and University of Alabama
Programs available year-round
Planet fitness
Kids camp
shows all camps available in your area by age group
PE Recommendations
promote the development of active and safe routes to school
walk to school unless unsafe
add to daily life as a small addition, not a huge change
increase amount of mandatory physical education
promote physical activity during break and lunch periods
provide portable play equipment on playgrounds
increase time children spend outside