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Andrew M Warner MD: Drowning Presentation

Writer's picture: meganmcdonough7meganmcdonough7

Drowning and Airway Intervention

Drowning- the process of experiencing respiratory impairment from submersion/immersion in a liquid


Drowning death rates are increasing in children and young adults. It has been proven that 2.3 times as many young blacks die than young non-blacks. The major causes of drowning in children or young adults are as follows:

  • 1-year-olds, bathtubs

  • 1-4 years, pools

  • 5-13 years, pools/natural water

  • 14-17 years, natural water

Drowning is the leading cause of death in kids <5 and has its second peak in the ages 15-20.

Drowning is more than 90% more likely to occur in low and middle-income countries. The effects of drowning can either be death, morbidity, or non-morbidity.


After drowning there is a 20% chance for you to develop neurological issues. Drowning can also cause pathophysiological states, loss of normal breathing patterns, non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema, low oxygen in brain tissue, cerebral hypoxia, and cardia hypoxia. You can also experience submersion injuries.

Some injuries that can contribute to drowning are:

  • hypothermia

  • seizures

  • sudden cardiac arrest

  • trama


A female was swimming in a country club and began to drown. She was under the water for 3 minutes until she was found. When pulled out she:

  • was unresponsive

  • had no pulse

  • not breathing

The lifeguard did not immediately start CPR, they hooked up the AED(Automated external defibrillator) and waited for it to tell them too. The patient was non-shockable. The EMS arrived and their downtime was 12 minutes.

The EMS report:

  • O2 at pickup was 10%, SpO2

  • Ongoing CPR

  • Continued arrest

  • PEA

  • Compression ongoing

  • Etco2 12

  • pulseless

  • T: 35.5

  • SpO2 65%

Then they would take over the EMS and create goals: Spo2 >95%


- Strip & Flip

- Stab & Lab

- Warm patient

- Stop seziures

The MD report:

  • 2 rounds of compressions

  • EtcO2 12 -> 43

  • HR: 114

  • BP: 110/40

  • SpO2: 93%

  • T: 37.7

  • Nurolically in a coma

Sent the patient to the ICU and called RT, neurology, neurosurgeon, cardiology, & general surgery.


  • wet/dry drowning

  • near-drowning

  • salt water> freshwater for drowning

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