By: SLES BioMed Kids & Mrs. JB April 17-18th, 2023
Today, Mrs. JB talked to us about the dangers of vaping and gave us more background on the subject so we would be prepared to talk to the seventh graders the next day. We discussed things like the parts of a vape, different names for them, the specific dangers of it, and why vaping is so dangerous to the younger generation. The younger you start things like vaping the more exposed you are to becoming addicted later on in life and to brain damage. Vaping affects the part of the brain that controls emotions and self-control. After her short presentation, we discussed what we may talk to the seventh graders about the next day. We came up with a few major points; the long-term effects on the brain and the body, the vapes exploding the number of people who vape, and coping skills.
The Discussion
During the next school day, our class went up to talk to the seventh-grade P.E. class. We broke them up into a few groups and began our discussions. My group was a group of young girls, whom I play multiple sports with. This made it so much easier to discuss this topic. Since vaping is highly marketed to the younger generation, it is important they hear this information from people they know. We discussed many of the things I listed above and then we did an activity. Mrs.JB gave us all plastic straws and we were told to jump up and down, do jumping jacks, and run with these straws in our mouths. This is a similar representation of how it feels for people who have lung damage to breathe. I think this really affected these kids and I would love to do this again.
