By: Stephanie Fisher November 11th, 2022

What is Forensic Science?
Forensic Science is the study and practice of the application of science to the law. Forensic Science is always neutral. The Forensic Scientist is responsible for the analyzing submitted evidence and reporting the results in a court of law.
- Independent agency - Drug Chemistry/ Clandestine Labs
-Work for you, the citizens of Alabama - Toxicology
- ASCLD/ Lab Certified - Forensic Biology - DNA
- Serve many agencies - Firearm and Tool Marks
- Latents/ Fingerprints
- Crime Scenes
- Death Investigations
The largest part of Forensic Science is drug chemistry. Drug Chemistry is the testing and identifying different drugs. This is often mistaken with toxicology. Toxicology is the analyzation of bodily fluids, including identifying drugs that may have been taken or the study of poisons pertaining to legal matters. Forensic toxicology has to do with mostly crimes scenes and dead bodies, while drug chemistry is mostly evidence based.
Forensic Science is highly based on evidence. Evidence is submitted to the laboratory in a sealed manner. The transfer of evidence must be documented through Chain of Custody. The Chain of Custody tells anyone who had the evidence at what time and at what point. When going to testify in court, always make sure your evidence is solid and you can answer any questions you may be asked. Be extremly prepared and know all parts of the case you are working on.